Aired during the
height of political mayhem, Black-ish’s
(2014-present) “Lemons” episode (originally aired 11 Jan 2017) dealt with the
impact of the election and inauguration of the United States’ 45th
president, Donald Trump. Overall, the episode details the Johnson family’s
reactions to Hillary Clinton’s loss, emphasizing a conversation between Andre ‘Dre’
Johnson’s coworkers as they try to determine who is to blame (revealing that
one of them even voted for Trump). Black-ish
premiered in 2014 and has been critically admired for its tendency to discuss
and highlight issues for African Americans in the contemporary US. In the past,
Black-ish has discussed police
brutality (“Hope”) and having a biracial identity (“Being Bow-racial”), among
other complex issues. Additionally, a running gag of the series is the obviously
racist and sexist Mr. Stevens, who Dre works with. Though the show portrays his
ridiculous racist statements as humorous and outdated, it is possible that white
viewers could interpret this character as expressing their own views, rather
than being a comedic, mocked character. Also worth noting, as this episode (“Lemons”)
is specifically about Trump being elected president, Trump did tweet in 2014
that the show was racist against white people.

Esposito (2009), in “What Does Race Have to Do with Ugly Betty?: An Analysis of Privilege and Postracial(?)
Representations on a Television Sitcom,” defines the idea of postracial or
colorblind ideology as “meaning that we have moved beyond race and that race no
longer structures our thinking or actions” (521-2). Subsequently, as Esposito
(2009) details, racism becomes something which is committed against
individuals, minimizing the institutionalized and structural inequalities present
in the US (522). Both postracial and colorblind discourses are, as Eposito
(2009) states, “destructive because such understandings silence race talk. If
race no longer matters, then people of all races have no way of communicating
about racial privileges and injustices, and instead, race becomes an uncomfortable
topic. Should a white person speak of race, he or she is made to feel racist.
Should a person of color speak of race, he or she is made to feel angry”
(522-3). This, in turn, replicates the systemic qualities of racism while simultaneously
claiming that racism does not exist anymore and is irrelevant in contemporary US
This episode of Black-ish, among others, makes a
statement by demonstrating the reality of racism, in addition to its systemic and
historic qualities in America. In fact, Dre details how “this system has never
worked for us,” and how African Americans have been disadvantaged in America
since slavery (“Lemons”).
Obviously, this
blatant reference to not only racism itself but its integration with the
founding of the United States would not seem to be a topic discussed by a sitcom.
An overall issue
with the progressive content of ABC’s Black-ish
relates to the ideologies of meritocracy constantly replicated. Esposito (2009)
states that meritocracy “is the recognition of individual merit and the belief that
anyone (regardless of life circumstance) can achieve the ‘American dream’ as
long as he or she works hard enough to attain it” (523). As such, meritocracy is
reflective of postracial ideologies, and “allows the privileged to place blame
on the marginalized for any failure to achieve. Meritocracy promotes guilt and
self-blame as well because it encourages people to believe that their successes
and failures are largely a matter of personal responsibility instead of the result
of systemic oppression or privilege” (Esposito 2009, 524). This is where Black-ish directly ties to past
criticism of The Cosby Show

As Christine
Acham (2013) states in relation to an episode of The Cosby Show, “there is an understated but clear commentary on
class. One of the great American myths is that anyone who just tries hard
enough will succeed, that if one just pulls oneself up by the bootstraps, one
can achieve the American dream” (107).
Crucially, The Cosby Show was reflective of its contemporary
political atmosphere in America under Ronald Reagan. The 1980s US saw the
beginning foundations of neoliberal ideologies in politics, something that is
further replicated today. Neoliberalism highlights how race, among other social
identities, are something to be individualized and commodified, emphasizing the
rhetoric of meritocracy. As Rosalind Gill (2007) states, “[n]eoliberalism is
understood increasingly as constructing individuals are entrepreneurial actors
who are rational, calculating and self-regulating. The individual must bear
full responsibility for their life biography, no matter how severe the
constraints upon their action” (163). Thus, neoliberalism and meritocracy come
hand in hand.
These ideologies
are reflected in Black-ish’s decision
to have both Dre and Rainbow “Bow” Johnson come from poor families. Despite their
financial beginnings, both Dre and Bow have successfully reached high levels of
financial wealth, as a marketing executive and doctor, respectively. Dre’s love
of sneakers is constantly mentioned, and his closet speaks for itself.
Though Black-ish has opened somewhat of a
conversation of the wealth the family has gained, the series consistently
reinforces how Dre and Bow have worked hard enough to be able to get where they
are today, silencing discussions of how race has effected their backstories. Of
course, the direct call to systemic racism is included in “Lemons,” but only in
a time when, arguably, an extremely racist and sexist rich white man has become
our president and police violence against black men is
becoming too hard to deny or ignore with the Black Lives Matter movement.
Thus, Black-ish does replicate some of the
meritocratic idea from neoliberal ideology that was seen in The Cosby Show. Yet, the series does
make important commentary on race in twenty-fist century America that is
refreshing to see on primetime network television.
Christine. 2013. “The Cosby Show:
Representing Race.” In How to Watch
Television, edited by Ethan Thompson and Jason Mittell, 103-111. New York:
New York University Press.
Esposito, Jennifer.
2009. “What Does Race Have to Do with Ugly
Betty?: An Analysis of Privilege and Postracial(?) Representations on a
Television Sitcom.” Television and New
Media 10 (6): 521-535.
Gill, Rosalind.
2007. “Postfeminist Media Culture: Elements of a Sensibility.” European Journal of Cultural Studies 10
(2): 147-166.